Sunday, January 25, 2015

#7 - Be good at making a craft - Sewing class

I had signed up for a sewing 101 class (trying to knock out the things I wanted to learn) on Saturday and was wondering how in the heck I was going to do the class with my neck.  It was a non refundable class, I had to go.

The class was fun and I learned a lot!  I even made something :)

My first project, a travel Kleenex case

Regardless of a stiff neck, I was on a roll and wanted to sew, sew, sew!  I had bought a few patterns prior to the class and decided to start on another project.  An apron for Scarlett.

Gah!  What a cute apron!  Yep, I made that! :) I have a ton of Hawaiian patterns I bought when I was home in Hawaii and finally got to use them.
The finished product on it's new owner!  She didn't care for it much.

Now she can cook away in her kitchen!

Sweet Simone sporting the apron. 

She'll eventually get one too.  

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